* A. Nation Author * - "Urban Fantasy Mystery"
Urban 1 - Where Did They Go? - The World of Vesda   
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About Author



Urban Fantasy Series - UF 1
A urban fantasy Tale:

Susan was devastated when her husband dies in a car accident.
Friends and family cannot fill the void left in her heart
from his passing. One thing after another keeps vanishing
around her home until she steps into another world.
The characters she encounters help her with lost memories
until she realizes who killed her husband.
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Book Interview by Profilecritics
Susan Edwards is just trying to cope after her husband
died in a terrible accident. After she sees someone's
hand steal her mother's picture, she blacks out. She
awakes in a foreign land inhabited by unusual people.
Through her encouragement, she and her new friends make
it back to her home to solve her husband's murder.
Next Book in Series:

*A.Nation and anationauthor.com, 2016.
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