* A. Nation Author * - "Science Fiction Mystery"
Saga 8 - The Takers, From the Dark of Night   
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A Domino Series Saga Eight, Blackhawk Files 4
A science fiction detective Tale:

Mining is becoming profitable to certain members of Congress.
At the same time, men are disappearing off the streets of
major cities. Detective Blackhawk has to find out why.
In the process he is kidnapped and forced into labor
on Mars. His friend partners to locate him but encounters
plasma shots and delays from the rich and powerful.

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A man is found dead on a return cargo ship from Mars.
Detective Alex Blackhawk goes undercover and is kidnapped.
His friend at the Mars base station discover more bodies
on the Martian desert. Alex's wife heads for Mars after
overhearing an incriminating conversation.

*A.Nation and anationauthor.com, 2016.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of
this material without express and
written permission from this site�s
author and/or owner is strictly
prohibited. Excerpts and links may be
used, provided that full and clear
credit is given to A. Nation and
anationauthor.com with appropriate
and specific direction to the
original content.

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