* A. Nation Author * - "Science Fiction Mystery"
Saga 5 - Return There's No Easy Way   
*** 1-4 day paperback Shipping directly from A. Nation! ***Whoo Whoo the new Travel mystery, "Mystery Along the Danube" is out now in ebook and print format ***


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A Domino Series - Saga Five, Sci-fi 5
A science fiction Tale:

Exploring space with the aliens was educational and
exciting, too exciting. Two humans and their daughter
head back home to Mars in the alien ship. They have
to endure stops along the way at the alien base station.
Problems occur by the exruler who hijacks one of the
alien's ship and kidnaps his obsession and past love.
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The exruler of Arret escapes his imprisonment and kidnaps
the most beautiful female petrolian after his brother died
DiLane shows her survival efforts as she crawls around
in the ship's ductwork until she encounters her rescuer.

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