* A. Nation Books * - "How to Format and upload your self-published books"
Formatting - Uploading - Writing Tips   
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Using Word to Format Your Book

  Clear, easy, step by step to format your
manuscript for publishing in KDP Amazon.
This is a simplified instruction handbook
that covers formatting for ebooks and print
books to help you upload into Amazon's
Kindle Direct Publishing feature. From
Margins to page numbering, you'll want to
read this from cover to cover.  

Using Word to Upload Your Book to Amazon

  A handbook on how to upload your book
to KDP for Amazon for ebook and print.
Included are screenshots to clarify what
is described. The three sections covered
are Details, Content, and Pricing in this
handbook for both ebook and print.

Writing Tips and Tools
   This handbook assists you in those
annoying aspects you find in the English
language. From grammar, homophones,
and tools you can use in your writing
and book covers.
Order your reading format here. To begin ordering on
the catalog page, just click on Add To Shopping Cart.


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